Trustworthy AI Copilot for construction teams

Reliable assistant for your entire construction team that understands your process and knowledge.
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Create winning bids in minutes, not months

Cut down the lengthy bid preparation process and craft high quality proposals. Wenti Labs searches through your content and knowledge base to generate tailored responses for each requirement, using the customer's tender documents with a consistent tone in seconds.

Reliable, Private, and Secure AI Agent
Easily Customisable to any tender document template/format
Information are always up-to-date and attributable
Tender documents and RFPConstruction data

Project data at your fingertips

Stop digging through thousands of files, apps, and emails to track down latest information. Wenti Labs helps to comb through information and maintain the latest updates so that your team can ask question to instantly find the latest documents, changes, conversations, and anything else you need to keep your project on track.

Your AI-assistant for site inspection

No more forms or complicated template to fumble through to create site report during site walks.

Simply snap a photo, add a comment and send it to Wenti Labs as if you are texting a colleague using Whatsapp or Telegram.

Our platform automatically creates a report and follow up list based on template you define so that your project managers do not have to spend hours compiling it. Track your progress through text and Wenti Labs will help track your site progress.

Easy site inspection
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Built by alumni from

Frequently Asked Question

We help businesses improve productivity and efficiency.
How does Wenti Labs ensure data stays private?

We have an option to allow for on-premise deployment. The fine-tuning is conducted on version accessible only to your company.

Can I upload confidential infrormation?

Yes, we are built to ensure your confidential information and data are only accessible by you. We do not use any of your uploaded data to train or finetune the LLM,

How do you solve the hallucination issue?

We use a technique call "Retrieval-Augmented Generation" (or RAG) where the generative capability is anchored on a defined set of data sources. This way, while the LLM can no longer answer any generic question, it will not make up any false information while serving you and your team.

What types of data can I upload?

Our current version supports PDF files, Microsoft Word doc and Google Drive. Our engineers are building integration with various other data sources. Let us know if you have specific needs.

Are you GDPR-compliant?

Yes. We prioritise privacy and ensure that all personal data collected complies with the requirements set out by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What is your pricing model?

We offer different pricing plans to cater to your needs, including a Free plan, a Pro plan, and an Enterprise plan.

The Pro Plan offers a comprehensive feature set, including unlimited use cases, file upload, usage metrics and additional users.

The Enterprise plan offers additional feature to allow you to deploy an on-premise LLMs and enable Single Sign-On (SSO) along with everything the Pro plan offers.

Are you claiming to be better than GPT-4?

We don't claim to outperform GPT-4 or other existing LLMS based on broad spectrum use cases. However, we our AI Agents uses knowledge from your company that will be only be accessible by you so that the response are always relevant to you and your team.

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We are currently in a private beta. Join our waitlist to get priority access. Beta users also have a special pricing when we launch. We promise we won't spam.
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Join our waitlist
We are currently in a private beta. Join our waitlist to get priority access. Beta users also have a special pricing when we launch. We promise we won't spam.
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